© Daniel Murtagh

Mag.a Dr.in Michaela Raggam-Blesch

Visiting Professor in the Summer Term 2024


Upcomming research project: Bonds of intimacy and Dependency. Survival Strategies of Intermarried Families in Nazi-Dominated Europe

Senior Research Fellow since October 2021

Post-doc Fellowship of the Fondation pour la Mémoire de la Shoah (Paris), October 2021-June 2022

Post-doc project on Everyday Life and Persecution of “Mixed Families” during the Nazi Regime in Vienna, 1938-1945 funded by the Elise Richter habilitation grant (Austrian Science Fund).

Michaela Raggam-Blesch, recipient of the Marie Jahoda fellowship at the University of Vienna.


Michaela Raggam-Blesch was part of the curating team of the newly opened exhibit on the fate of the Viennese musicians Alma and Arnold Rosé ("Nur die Geigen sind geblieben", Vienna 2018) and an exhibition on collection camps in Vienna ("Letzte Orte vor der Deportation", Vienna 2016). Guest lecturer at the Universities of Vienna, Klagenfurt and Graz. From 1999-2003 she worked for the Leo Baeck Institute in New York. She is a recipient of various fellowships: Doctoral fellowship (Austrian Academy of Sciences), Center for Jewish History Fellowship (New York), APART post-doctoral scholarship (Austrian Academy of Sciences), IWM Fellowship (Vienna), Elise Richter habilitation grant (Austrian Science Fund), Fondation pour la Mémoire de la Shoah Fellowship (Paris). Member of the “Microcosms of the Holocaust” research group (Utrecht University).


Mail: michaela.raggam-blesch@univie.ac.at
Phone: +43-1-4277-41240

Curriculum Vitae





Areas of specialization

  • Austrian Jewish history of the 19th and 20th century
  • Gender Studies
  • Biographical Studies
  • Oral History
  • Microhistory
  • Exile Research
  • National Socialism
  • Memory Studies
  • Holocaust and Genocide Studies


Selected publications

  • „Privileged“ under Nazi-rule: The Fate of Three Intermarried Families in Vienna, in: Journal of Genocide Research, Volume 21, 3 (2019), 378-397 (Open Access)
  • Letzte Orte. Die Wiener Sammellager und die Deportationen 1941/42 (hg. gemeinsam mit Dieter J. Hecht und Heidemarie Uhl), Mandelbaum Verlag, Wien 2019.
  • Alma und Arnold Rosé. Nur die Geigen sind geblieben (hg. gemeinsam mit Monika Sommer und Heidemarie Uhl), Ausstellungskatalog, Haus der Geschichte Österreich, Wien 2019.
  • Topographie der Shoah. Gedächtnisorte des zerstörten jüdischen Wien (gemeinsam mit Dieter J. Hecht, Eleonore Lappin-Eppel), zweite Auflage, Mandelbaum Verlag, Wien 2018, 607 S.
  • Alltag unter prekärem Schutz. Mischlinge und Geltungsjuden im NS-Regime in Wien, in: Zeitgeschichte 5 (2016), 292-307.
  • Survival of a Peculiar Remnant: The Jewish Population of Vienna During the Last Years of the War, in: Dapim: Studies on the Holocaust, Volume 29, 3 (2015), 197-291.