Photo: © Barbara Mair

Franziska Maria Lamp, BA BA MA

PhD-researcher and part of DACH-project on "Norms, Regulation and Refugee Agency: Negotiating the Migration Regimes"

Phone: +43-1-4277-41219


Curriculum Vitae and Publications


Franziska Maria Lamp is a historian and works as a PhD researcher at the Department of Contemporary History at the University of Vienna. Her dissertation project is part of a larger project on "Norms, Regulation and Refugee Agency: Negotiating the Migration Regimes" funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) and the German Research Fund (DFG). It deals with the experiences and agency of Displaced Persons (DPs) and so-called "ethnic German" refugees in post-war Austria.

Franziska M. Lamp's dissertation project examines gender-specific hierarchies in the interactions with Displaced Persons and explores the role of family constellations for migration from post-war Austria to countries abroad. In this context, she examines biographical case studies as well as the institutional practices of resettlement.
Franziska M. Lamp, together with Philip Strobl, is the founder and editor of the podcast "Transit. The Podcast on Migration History."
In 2022/23 she was an interviewer for the Austrian Mediathek's oral history project Menschenleben.

Since September 2022, she has also been working as a writer for the history education project "Was bisher geschah" of the Institute for Historical Social Research (IHSF) and the University of Vienna.
Prior to her current projects, Franziska M. Lamp conducted research in the field of National Socialist population policy and wrote her master's thesis on "Match Making as an Instrument of National Socialist Population Policy."

In 2021, she was the coordinator of the international project "Virtual Tour for a Multi-Perspective Rememberance to the Maly Trostenez Memorial", funded by the Foundation "Erinnerung Verantwortung Zukunft” (EVZ). Within the framework of this project, digital exhibitions and historical tours were designed by the project participants at the University of Osnabrück, the “Geschichtswerkstatt Leonid Levin” in Minsk and the University of Vienna.


Research Topics

  • Migration History
  • Women's and Gender History
  • History of Medicine and Health Care
  • History of National Socialist Population Policy
  • Culture(s) of Remembrance
  • Oral History