Lena Clara Christoph, BA MA

Doctoral researcher (prae doc) at the Department of Contemporary History at the University of Vienna with the ERC research group GLORE – “Global Resettlement Regimes: Ambivalent Lessons learned from the Postwar (1945-1951)”

Current research project
Between Exile and Resettlement: Transnational Journeys of Jewish and ‘White’ Russian Refugees through the Philippines (1945–1953)

E-Mail: lena.christoph@univie.ac.at
Phone: +43-1-4277-41246

Curriculum Vitae und Publications

Lena Christoph is a doctoral researcher at the Department of Contemporary History at the University of Vienna and a member of the ERC-funded research project GLORE – “Global Resettlement Regimes: Ambivalent Lessons Learned from the Postwar (1945-1951)”. While the ERC project explores the global refugee regime after World War II at large, her research  examines displaced persons (DPs) in the Philippines, focusing on Jewish Holocaust refugees and ‘White’ Russian exiles. Her dissertation investigates the complex trajectories of these groups and how they navigated displacement, migration restrictions, and resettlement in the postwar period.

Lena was a 2024 research fellow at the German Historical Institute, Washington D.C., and has been awarded a 2025 research fellowship at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. In early 2025, she was a visiting scholar at Monash University, Melbourne.

She holds a BA in International Development and an MA in History from the University of Vienna, specialising in global and contemporary history. As part of an exchange programme, she also studied at Monash University, Melbourne. Her master’s thesis, “Anti-Imperialist Solidarity in the International War Crimes Tribunal on Vietnam” explored the Russell Tribunal (1967) as a case of international activism against the Vietnam War. For this research, she received the Vienna Global History scholarship.


Key Research Topics

  • Global History and Contemporary History
  • Migration History, focus on post-WWII refugee regimes
  • History of internationalism and social movements, focus on political solidarity