Dr.in Corinna Oesch


Visiting Professor in the winter term 2020/21

Principal investigator of the FWF-project "Women's letters to Women's Movement Activists, c. 1870-1930". Project number V-807 (as of 2/2021)
Project website

Research assistant in the Caspar Einem research project at the Department for Musicology and Performance Research at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna.

Project collaborator in the FWF project "Engagement and Professionalisation. Käthe Schirmacher (1865-1930) – Self-designs between radical women's movement and nationalist" (7/2013 –6/2017)

E-Mail: corinna.oesch@univie.ac.at
Phone: +43-1-4277-41242


Curriculum Vitae



Key Research Topics

  • Contemporary history with a focus on women's and gender history
  • Historiography of women's movements
  • Auto/biographical theory and research
  • Transnational history
  • Gender studies in music history
  • Jewish history