© Andrea Peller
Mail: johanna.gehmacher@univie.ac.at
Phone: +43-1-4277-41210
Office hours
by agreement via e-mail
Room 1G-O1-12
ao. Prof.in Mag.a Dr.in Johanna Gehmacher
a.o. University Professor
Johanna Gehmacher has been teaching at the Institute of Contemporary History since 1998. Since 2001 she is extraordinary university professor at the University of Vienna. She has held a number of university functions (including head of department (2012-2014)) and is currently speaker of the key research area women’s and gender history at the Faculty for Historical and Cultural Studies. In the academic year 2018/19, she was the Gerda Henkel Visiting Professor at the German Historical Institute London and at the London School of Economics. She is a member of the interdisciplinary network ‘Biographieforschung’ co-editor of the Austrian Journal of Historical Studies (OeZG).
Research topics
- Contemporary history as women's and gender history
- Transnational history - connections, transfers and translations
- Theory of biography, biography research
- Social movements: Women's movements, youth movements
- National Socialism: history of National Socialism as an oppositional movement, women's and gender history of National Socialism, history of memory
Selected publications
- Feminist Activism, Travel and Translation Around 1900. Transnational Practices of Mediation and the Case of Käthe Schirmacher, Cham 2024 (Series Translation History, Palgrave Macmillan)
- Im/possible Careers. Gendered Perspectives on Scholarly Personae around 1900. In: European Journal of Life Writing 11 (2022), WG 70-102 (Cluster: When Does the Genius do the Chores? Knowledge, Auto/Biography and Gender) https://ejlw.eu/article/view/38786/36266 (07-06-2022)
- Covering the Suffragettes: Austrian Newspapers Reporting on Militant Women’s Rights Activism in the United Kingdom. In: June Hannam/June Purvis (Hg.): The British Women's Suffrage Campaign: National and International Perspectives. London 2020, 199-221
- „Frauenarbeit“ 1903. Oder: Feminismus im Modus der Anschaulichkeit. In: Muriel González Athenas/Falko Schnicke (Hg.): Popularisierungen von Geschlechterwissen: (Vor-)Moderne Wissenstransfers. Berlin (Beihefte zur Historischen Zeitschrift) 2020, 215-39
- In/Visible Transfers: Translation as a Crucial Practice in Transnational Women's Movements around 1900, in: German Historical Institute London Bulletin XLI (2019), 2
- Macht/Lust – Übersetzung und fragmentierte Traditionsbildung als Strategien zur Mobilisierung eines radikalen Feminismus, in: Erinnern, vergessen, umdeuten? Europäische Frauenbewegungen im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert, hg. von Angelika Schaser u.a. Frankfurt/New York 2019
- Käthe Schirmacher: Agitation und autobiografische Praxis zwischen radikaler Frauenbewegung und völkischer Politik. Wien, Köln, Weimar 2018 (with Elisa Heinrich and Corinna Oesch)