Univ.-Prof. i.R. Mag. DDr. Oliver Rathkolb

Professor of Modern History with a focus on Contemporary History (2008-2024)

Chairperson, Academic Committee, House of European History, Brussels
Advisory board member, Salzburg Festival Archive
2015-2022 Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board of the House of Austrian History

Curriculum Vitae

List of publications



Editor of the series Zeitgeschichte im Kontext (Verlag Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht )


Key Research Topics
  • European History in the 20th century
  • Austrian and International Contemporary History in the field of Political History
  • Austrian Republican History in a European context, as well as international relations
  • History of the Nazi era
  • Cultural and Media History
  • Economic History (industrial and banking sector)
  • National Socialism and Legal History




News (German)

Vortrag Sommmerhochschule Strobl: "The Year 1949"

5.12.2023 Kreisky Forum - Oliver Rathkolb in conversation with Michael Ignatieff: HUMAN RIGHTS AT 75: END TIMES OR REBIRTH?

13.10.2023 Oliver Rathkolb im Ars Boni Spezial 445

20.09.2023 Oliver Rathkolb Delivers Inaugural Max Reinhardt Lecture

12.5. Buchpräsentation der französischen Fassung von "Schirach. Eine Generation zwischen Goethe und Hitler" - "Baldur von Schirach: Des jeunesses hitlériennes à la déportation des Juifs de Vienne" in Paris

Video: Wiener Vorlesung von Oliver Rathkolb: Haben wir den Kalten Krieg verschlafen? (17.11.2022)

Ukraine-Krieg: Wo steht Österreich? Historiker Oliver Rathkolb (27.10.22)

COOL-Tour spezial Prof. Oliver Rathkolb Erinnerungen an Hugo Portisch (27.1.22)